Thursday, June 26, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ...
I get a lot of spam and it's increasing (I have myself partly to blame: my email address is now on literally thousands of web pages). So I'm very pleased that today I got three spams, all from different software manufacturers, offering anti-spam solutions, which i obviously need.

I have had five anti-spam spams in 48 hours. Is this a record? My previous personal best was a spam from a Bible seller, and a spam sent from America within 24 hours of the World Trade Centre massacre, offering me discount sewage disposal. Obviously someone in very deep mourning. What's your best spam?

Some pundits predict that email as a mode of communication will be ruined within five years at the current rate of spam growth. I'm interested in your views.

* Ø * Ø * Ø *

Sorry Veralynne, the Devil made me do it!

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