Friday, May 30, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Bowling for Columbine soon on DVD
Michael Moore's Oscar-winning documentary will be out on DVD in August. You can pre-order through Amazon (see the button in our left-hand column) and forget about it till it arrives at your address as soon as it's released. (US and Canada only. This DVD will probably not be viewable in other countries due to format.) The Almanac will earn a small commission on sales.

Michael Moore's superb documentary (following in the footsteps of Roger & Me and The Big One) tackles a meaty subject: gun control. Moore skilfully lays out arguments surrounding the issue and short-circuits them all, leaving one impossible question: why do Americans kill each other more often than people in any other democratic nation?
Bret Fetzer

Click the Amazon button at lower left.


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